Save time and money by using e-learning to communicate with your staff!

All Staff emails

We have all been there – how do you communicate quickly, cheaply and effectively with all of the staff in your organisation?  A very real and huge challenge, especially if you have a large workforce that are spread across the country.  Traditional email is the default choice – just send out an all staff email and that’s the problem solved right?

Well no, not really, or even more likely not at all.  All staff emails typically result in the following:

  • Alienating your workforce who do not appreciate such a lazy and one-way approach to communication
  • Auto delete – not necessarily on purpose, we get so much spam these days important emails get missed easily
  • Lack of understanding – 1000+ words read often in a preview pane are unlikely to sink in

Come on, you know how these things make you feel.  Staff discount scheme updates and social events are received with more relish than corporate updates and information.

Team Meetings and Training Sessions

Let’s face it these are expensive.  The time your staff spend in a room with you is time they are not with customers and earning the company money.  It is also no guarantee that any of the information given at these events sinks in and has the impact you want.  Often these are seen as a break from real work and a chance to catch up with friends.

E-learning can help

So what’s the answer?  Well, e-learning.  If what are trying to communicate is important, let’s assume it is or why even bother, then spend a little time crafting the message in a way that can help your staff take it on board.  After all the effect you want is for staff to not only read but make some change in their working practices and behaviour.

That is where e-learning can come in.  With no more time than it takes to bash out an email, you can set up and distribute an e-learning course.

2 Way Understanding

With e-learning your staff and audience actually engage with the information content.  They take quizzes, answer questions and receive certificates when the course is completed.  As part of the e-learning deal you receive an audit trail of their engagement, and knowledge that they have received and understood the information that you are communicating.  So, better than an all staff email or an expensive training event.

E-learning isn’t difficult or expensive

At least it isn’t with Tuitle.  There are large and expensive e-learning systems out there that work in certain circumstances, but Tuitle is a lighter touch and easy to use system built in WordPress, perfect for this type of staff training and communication.  It even works well on smart phones and tablets.  Quick and easy for you to set up, and simple for your staff who get a web link and off they go.

So don’t delay – download Tuitle today and give it a try.  We are sure you will be amazed at the results!